With the Magic Press Pass, you can become an INSTANT VIP.
Do VIP’s pay to get into clubs, museums, and tourist venues? Hell no! And you shouldn’t either!
My name’s David Parkinson, and I’m writing to you from laptop in Medellín, Colombia. I’m gonna let you in on a dirty little secret that 69.69% travelers don’t know:
With the right press credentials, you DON’T HAVE TO PAY ADMISSION or COVER CHARGES.
And why in the world would venues owners do something stupid like that? Well, think about it Einstein! If you’re a member of the press, you possess INSTANT VIP POWER.
Venue owners know the Press has the ability to help them by writing a little piece of awesome about them. Venue owners also know that the Press can hurt them by writing something bad. So they want the Press to be happy. And would letting the Press in free make them happy? I bet it it would.
With the Magic Press Pass, you can get into places for free just like the Press do!
Free admission is yours for the taking! All you’ll need are the right things to say, the right approach, and of course your personalized Magic Press Pass. Don’t worry — I’ll let you in on everything you need to know.
I want to tell you how I came up with the Magic Press Pass…
In August of 2011, I sold everything I owned, bought a motorcycle, and rode it from Seattle, Washington to the southernmost point in the world: Ushuaia, Argentina. I returned in 2015 after riding my motorcycle a whopping 42,000 miles through 18 Latin American countries.
Now if you know me in person, you’ll know that I’m really frugal. When I worked full-time at Microsoft, I was the guy who smuggled 75-cent beers from CostCo into bars. I even scoured the Craigslist free section for all my furniture — including my bed! Hey, it was comfy, I don’t care if it was used!
I hate paying to get into places, so I decided on an experiment — I’d create the highest quality press pass I could, and see if I could use it to get into places for free.
I honestly didn’t think it would work. I thought it would be a waste of time and money…
Boy was I WRONG!
The Magic Press Pass has saved me MANY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, and I continue to use it today, 5 years later!
The press pass has NO EXPIRATION date and so there’s NO LIMIT to how long you can enjoy its benefits to save you money. It’s like a credit card you can keep swiping FOREVER, but with NO SPENDING LIMIT.
Now I know what you’re thinking… something like, ‘this is too good to be true’, am I right? Well I’m an Eagle Scout, and so I’ll level with you: it doesn’t work 100% of the time. But in my 5 years of use, it works AT LEAST 50% of the time (and often much more often) which turns out to be enough to save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in a year! And the worst that happens is that you have to pay the normal admission price.
As in most things in life: you literally have nothing to lose by trying.
It pays for itself in 2 months or less!
Here’s the dirty truth: no one likes paying cover charges. But we almost always do it anyway, without even thinking! According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the average American spends $50/month a month in Entertainment Admission Expenses. The Magic Press Pass can cut your entertainment expenses in half leading to an average minimum savings of OVER $300/YEAR! It pays for itself easily, in just a few short months.
It never expires. Save thousands of dollars over your lifetime.
Remember, your Magic Press Pass has NO EXPIRATION DATE, and can be used YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! A minimum $300 savings per year equates to $3,000 in 10 years, and $6,000 in 20 years! If only I could pick stocks with similar returns!
Reducing the amount you have to pay
Sometimes you’ll still have to pay to get in somewhere. But the Magic Press Pass can also reduce the amount you spend when you must pay for admission. I’ve had instances where I’m charged for a child’s admission. Every bit helps!
You can save even more money if you travel
When traveling, entertainment is your biggest cost after transportation, lodging, and food. Now imagine if you could cut your entertainment budget in half! How much longer could you travel for? What events and places would you normally not visit, but you would if it were free? The Magic Press Pass is a game changer. I saved about $100/month in entertainment expenses on my motorcycle trip, equating to $3,000-$4,000 saved over my 3.5 year trip!
But you don’t have to travel to use it
I returned to the United States in May 2015 and I’ve been using the Magic Press Pass all over the United States! I’ve had success at rooftop bars in Brooklyn, clubs in Miami, and live music venues in the Midwest. How much you save all depends on you: how much you spend on entertainment, and how often you use it.
You can also use it to cut lines — and save time
your magic press pass is not just for saving money — you’ll also save time. i can’t tell you the number of times that there was a huge line i didn’t feel like waiting in. just by walking to the front of the line, flashing the pass, and saying the right words i was able to breeze by hundreds of sheeple waiting in line — saving me hours of my precious time.
Attend private events and areas, closed to the public
Your Magic Press Pass can also get you into private and exclusive events — ones closed to the general public. I’ve used it to bypass police barriers, attend private business conferences, and talk to beauty pageant contestants! Keep reading for more examples of its power.
You can use its benefits to help your friends!
What would your friends, family, or significant other think you were if you could get THEM IN FOR FREE TOO? I know my sister and her boyfriend at the time as well as a couple of cute girls from Quebec who wondered what my secret was when I got everyone in our party to a roof top bar in Williamsburg (Brooklyn, NYC). I’ll be honest, it’s certainly more difficult to use your Pass to help others besides yourself but THE PAYOFF IS SWEET WHEN IT HAPPENS.
What’s Included in
The Magic Press Pass System:
Introducing… Your very own Magic Press Pass
Say hello to your new best friend. Your secret key to unlocking the VIP life — forever.
Pull this card out of your pocket and watch in amazement as you are whisked past velvet ropes. Bouncers will welcome you. You won’t pay admission, but if you do, it won’t be much. You’ll be treated like a VIP — without having to pay for the privilege. You’ll be joining an exclusive, underground club that journalists have known about for years. And we’ll make sure you receive every benefit you deserve.
Your Magic Press Pass is unique and lovingly handmade, just for you! Each card is customized to fit you. We’ll include your first and last name, as well as a photo of your choice.
Flip the card around and you’ll see our corporate branding on the back and media website listed — it will help you out in a pinch when someone foolishly doubts your media credentials. (See Press Pass Extras below for more on this).
Our Press Passes are built to last. We print each pass in full color on high-quality, dual sided PVC blanks — just like you’d see from a from a credit card — except our passes have no expiration date!
The Magic Press Pass pays for itself within the first two months of use; and is your key to saving hundred of dollars per year and thousands over your lifetime!
Buy it once, and use it for the rest of your life!
Bonus #1: Press Pass Extras!
Proof you really are a journalist… ON DEMAND
Are you thinking this all sounds good to be true? What happens if you try to use your Pass and someone asks you, “Are you really a journalist?” Don’t worry, we’ve got your back!
With our Press Pass Extras service, we’ll list you as one of our journalists on MediaNetworkOnline.com (one of our real media websites). On our website, we’ll show your name, photo, and short biography. That way if someone asks, “Are you really a journalist?”, you can just point them to our website to verify that you are. Problem solved! I’ve used this approach more than once.
In addition to listing your info on one of our websites, we’ll also provide you a professional email address @medianetworkonline.com. You’ll be able to send and receive emails from this address. Why? Because for bigger, more exclusive (and often more expensive) events, you cannot walk right up with your Magic Press Pass, you must apply for admission in advance! The event organizer wants to see your media credentials and will issue you specific event credentials. This is exactly we designed Press Pass Extras to solve this problem for you.
For a limited time, every MagicPressPass comes with one month now 3 months of our Press Pass Extras service… FREE OF CHARGE. We normally charge $19-39/year for this service, which means you’re receiving a $10 value, ABSOLUTELY FREE.
Bonus #2: The Magic Press Pass Success Guide:
MAXIMIZE the value of your Pass!

The key to you making the Magic Press Pass a worthwhile purchase all comes down to using it correctly. So how do you use it correctly? It’s all about learning what to say, and how you say it, and most importantly, whom to say it to. We have developed the MagicPressPass Success Guide for this purpose.
In it, you’ll find a detailed game plan that we continuously update with tested tips and techniques. Approaches that you’ll want to employ to obtain maximum value out of this card. Make it a point to read through it so you can maximize the benefits of your pass.
We are 100% committed to helping you squeeze every ounce of benefit your Pass can deliver to you.
and for a limited time… FREE SHIPPING
Do you know anyone who enjoys paying for shipping?
I know I sure as hell don’t. It’s one of those things that I always feel upset paying for. It just feels like one of those ticky-tack charges that drives customers crazy and causes evil laughter to waft out of corporate boardrooms.
That’s why Magic Press Pass currently REFUSES to charge you a single cent of shipping charges.
Because it’s the right thing to do.
‘So David, I get that you want me to like this, but…’
‘What are others saying about it?’
What others are saying about
Magic Press Pass:
Stop paying to get into festivals and events!
Let these lovely Brazilian ladies tell you how MagicPressPass can help get you into concerts and festivals for free. The mood is festive at the world’s 2nd largest Oktoberfest (after Munich). Located in Blumenau, Brazil, tens of thousands people descended to this event to drink beer and to have a great time. Watch below!
Thanks to MagicPressPass, youThanks to MagicPressPass, yours truly was able to get his friends into the event saving 25 Brazilian Reais ($10/person) using MagicPressPass.
You can sometimes get your friends in for free!
An unsolicited endorsement
It gives you fuzzy feeling as a business owner whenever someone liked your product so much, they just had to tell their friends. Read what Alexander had to say on Facebook below. To be clear, I did not ask him to write anything, this is just his enthusiasm for MagicPressPass.
Just think, Alex saved $110 in only two uses of the MagicPressPass.
Just imagine how much money you will save!
Getting in Blumenau’s Oktoberfest for FREE!
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million. Watch as I explain how MagicPressPass helped me get into the biggest Oktoberfest event in Brazil, for FREE. A savings of $10/day per person. I went all three days of the event so I saved $30. Plus I got 2 tickets per day so I could get my CouchSurfing host in for free too. So at the end of the day, I saved over $50 in just one weekend.
We saved over $50 using MagicPressPass.
It almost paid for itself after only one use!
Live the rest of your life normally, or as a VIP?
There are certain moments in your life where you can change everything. Right now is one of those moments.
Now that you’ve seen and heard the benefits of MagicPressPass, it’s time to experience them for yourself.
What price would you pay to change your life forever?
Welcome to the end of waiting in lines to get into venues. The end of paying for admission…
… And the beginning of a lifetime of savings (hundreds per year, and thousands over your lifetime).
The train is leaving the station… are you coming?
Look, I want to give you the same opportunity I’ve had to live the VIP experience.
Most press passes that you’ll find online will charge you $150, $120, or even $108! Each of these has validity for only 1-2 years, meaning you’ll have to KEEP PAYING THEM. FOREVER!
I REFUSE to charge you such high prices.
I’ve SLASHED the competition’s price. Then I SQUEEZED it down to the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM.
Just $49. That’s it.
That’s less than one night on the town.
Unlike most things in life, the Magic Press Pass has NO EXPIRATION, and is good FOREVER.
$49 is your key to saving HUNDREDS of dollars per year, THOUSANDS over your lifetime.
Say YES to the VIP life. Say YES to saving money. Say YES to Magic Press Pass.
I hope you’ll love using your Magic Press Press every bit as much as I have. —- David Parkinson
So here’s what you need to do next… just click the Add to Cart button below. You’ll be taken to our secure checkout where we’ll ask you where you want us to ship your brand new Magic Press Pass to. After checkout, we’ll be in contact via email to ask you which photo you’d like us to use for your pass. We’ll also touch base via email about your included Press Pass Extras. In just about in ONE WEEK, your customized Magic Press Pass will arrive in the mail. It’s yours to use FOR LIFE, and has NO EXPIRATION. It’s yours to use for LIFETIME of VIP Access.
You’re still reading? You haven’t clicked that big, beautiful gold Add To Cart button yet? But I worked so hard on it :).
Listen, you sound like a skeptic to me… and look I can relate. As you read earlier, I’m the most frugal person you’ve ever met (remember, I’m the guy smuggling in beers into bars). I want you to be completely the Magic Press Pass is something you’ll use often. That you’ll get MAXIMUM value from it. I hope to create something here that you’ll look back on as one of the BEST INVESTMENTS you’ve ever made.
I bet you’ve still got some questions that I haven’t answered. Maybe a lot of them. To that end, I’ve put together a list of the questions that folks ask us most frequently (AKA FAQs :P). It is my hope that we’ll be able to answer any question you may have. And if I haven’t, I want to hear from you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers:
Q) Does the Magic Press Pass get me in free 100.00% of the time?
A) No. Nothing’s failure-proof in life. And anyone who tells you otherwise is doing you a disservice. I’m an Eagle Scout from Kansas and I’m not going to lie to you, that would be a violation of the Boy Scout Law and my personal code of ethics. I have found that I get in FREE MORE THAN HALF the time. I have also found that even when they don’t let me in for free; they will give me a discount on admission (half off, two for one, or the locals rate). For example at the Belize Zoo (the Best Little Zoo in the world), they gave me the child rate — saving me $5.
For bigger events you’ll often need to call or email in advance. Don’t worry, thanks to our Press Pass Extras, your name and photo will be on one of our media websites, which will help you greatly in your efforts. And with our Success Guide, you’ll have the same scripts I have used successfully to get in.
As Wayne Gretzky “The Great One” once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”. Or as my father said to me, “Every no is one step closer to the next yes”. The worst that happens is you have to pay full price. The best…. a free pass and maybe more. And thanks to the NO EXPIRATION, you’re free to use it for as long as you’re lucky to live in this life.
Q) Does simply showing the Magic Press Pass get me in, or do I have to say something?
A) Sometimes it’s enough to show the pass. Sometimes it’s enough to show it and say you’re a journalist. Sometimes you need to explain yourself, what media organization you work for, and why you’re there. Don’t you frown, you cute little pumpkin, after you buy the pass, I’ll email you the Magic Press Success Guide. In it are all the words you need to say when you’re asked questions.
Q) I’ve never heard of Media Network Online, why don’t you sell press passes CNN or BBC?
A) We’re selling Media Network as the company as we own the URL medianetworkonline.com and the media site we’re buliding there. In addition we can offer you a photo on our website along with a working @medianetworkonline.com email account.
Most importantly, it would be immoral, and probably illegal to sell a press pass for media outlet that we do not own (like CNN and BBC)
Q) Ok, I get it, but isn’t this WRONG, or even ILLEGAL?
A) What would be illegal and immoral would be misrepresenting yourself by saying you work for a company you don’t work for (like CNN or BBC). Because we own medianetworkonline.com you can be an authorized reporter for Media Network simply by buying our pass. Here are some direct quotes from Wikipedia under the entry “press pass” (and the heading “News Agency Cards”) for your benefit (emphasis mine):
“You do not need to ask permission from anyone to be a journalist,” explains the Periodical Publishers Association; “however, it is sometimes useful to be able to identify yourself as a journalist when needed.” To this end, journalistic agencies issue press cards to their reporters, editorialists, writers, and photographers. These do not have the legal merits of government-issued cards, and they will not replace event-specific passes; the card only serves as proof of its bearer’s status as a legitimate newsperson according to the issuing organization. As such, card-carriers may be better able to obtain interviews, acquire information from law-enforcement, or gain access to exclusive venues.“
Q) Does the Magic Press Pass work only in Latin America? Or does it work elsewhere too?
A) I have primarily used it in Latin America, but I have also used it successfully to get into a roof-top bars in Brooklyn, live music events in Kansas City, and to attend a Chipotle launch party in Philadelphia. So I’ve already proved it works in the USA. It should work in every country of the world. It works especially well when you’re traveling as you typically only want to get in a venue once or twice. If you’re hoping to come back again and again to the same venue, your best bet is to to create some content on one of our media sites. Then show it to the venue owner/manager to prove you’re providing value and would like favored status. This is all covered in our Sucess Guide.
Q) What if they say I’m not really a journalist? Or if they Google the name of the company on the pass?
A) They will arrive at our website, which we own. We are building the site to be a real media outlet; so you don’t have to worry about them claiming that Media Network doesn’t really exist. Remember with purchase, you’ll receiving a FREE 3 Month Trial to our Press Pass Extras Service. If you don’t recall this service lets you have your photo and biography appear on our website. And, you’ll get a working @medianetworkonline.com email address.
Q) Am I required to write a story or submit something to you folks?
A) Well, both we and the business/event organizer WOULD LOVE you to cover every event you attend with your Press Pass, BUT you’re NOT REQUIRED to write about every event. Do feel free to send any articles, and we’ll be happy to publish your stories. Writing about the places your Magic Press Pass gets you into for free can have a lot of benefits to you including:
- Raising your public profile
- Helping you get back into the same event/club/bar the next time
- Helping the business get more publicity and business
- Helping the business obtain a better Google ranking
Q) I’m already on my trip… can you ship internationally?
A) Heck-yes! Just give us the name of a hostel/hotel 2-3 weeks ahead of your current trip and we’ll get it to you. We also offer express shipping.
Q) Why should I buy a pass from you instead of [making it myself, buying somewhere else, etc]?
A) I have done a lot of research on the quality of the pass. We offer the highest printing quality along with features you probably can’t duplicate at your local Kinko’s, or with Uncle Berney’s Laser Printer:
- High Quality 2-Sided Color Printing
- Success Guide (telling you everything you need to use your pass effectively)
- Press Pass Extras… In case you’ve forgotten, it’s a fully functioning media website that people can examine at any time. Remember we also put your name and photo on the website and give you a working email address at @medianetworkonline.com). If you simply tried to print your Pass, and someone said, “Who are you with?”, how would you respond?
Q) What’s it made out of?
A) The Magic Press Pass is printed on high quality PVC plastic blank cards — the same style and quality you’d expect from a credit card or a Hilton hotel card key. It looks great and has no expiration date … use it for life!
Q) How in the hell is this thing worth $49?
A) Realistically speaking, it’s worth a hell of a lot more. If you want to buy another bonafide pass (without the option of your bio on the website, or a working @medianetworkonline.com address), you’re looking at:
- National Press Photographers Association Professional Membership: $110.00 (ANNUALLY)
- National Press Photographers Association Student Membership: $65 (ANNUALLY) … but don’t forge the big fat “STUDENT” on your card)
- International Freelance Photographers Association: $82.00 (ANNUALLY)
- Cable Muse Press Pass: $84.50 (ANNUALLY)
Q) Do you offer refunds?
A) Unfortunately not. All sales of Magic Press Pass are final. I will say though, that provided you use it, it will be one of the best investments you’ve ever made.
Did I answer your questions? I hope so.
Whaaaat? You’re still reading?
You still haven’t purchased your Pass?
Man you’re a tough customer.
Is it because you still need some examples?
Remember! The MagicPressPass will save you hundreds your first year alone.
But maybe you want some more examples of how I’ve used my pass? More proof that this thing works? OK let’s go!
I’ll tell you one thing I wouldn’t have had all the rich experiences I did, because I wouldn’t have wanted to pay for them all. The following is simply a sample of the hundreds of times where I’ve used my Magic Press Pass. Let your eyes feast in enjoyment upon the text upon the screen.
In Mexico, I busted out my magic press pass at the Jose Cuervo Tequila Factory where my motorcycle buddy James and I were treated to a free VIP tour by their Director of PR. It included an aged tequilla casque tasting — and that 40 year aged tequila was THE. BEST. EVAR.
Oh and we got a free maragarita on the house. Good thing we took the bus that day… that shit was STRONG. The Magic Press Pass saved 500 Mexican Pesos between us, or $38 (not counting the free margaritas).
Getting into a $500 Private Business Conference Soiree with shitty clothes:
Walking around Oaxaca, Mexico at night, I heard the telltale sounds of swanky party taking place. People were dressed to impress — three pieces suits and evening gowns. I was rocking a pair of jeans and a rain jacket. Me being me, I tried to walk right in. Securiy stopped me and politely asked, “¿Puedo ayudarte?” (Can I help you)? This is usually asked by people who really mean, “Get the hell out of here, you don’t belong”… but they’re being polite about it. It’s amazing how quickly someone can go from giving you the “go away” vibe to being happy to see you. I quickly discovered this secret when I presented the pass. I felt like VIP as I was whisked away to meet PR Director, who was very happy to meet me.
I found out that this was the kickoff party to a business conference that had attendees from all over Mexico; and that the Biz Stone (co-founder of Twitter) would be speaking at. Better yet, the Director told me to enjoy their open bar complete with a full mezcal (the fancy pants version of tequila) tasting. I was starving so the waiters serving h’orderves were a welcome sight. I was enjoying the dance performance when I couldn’t help but notice there were women with beauty pagent sashes. I saw this is as a chance to practice my pickup Spanish and approached. I found that Miss Oaxaca 2011, 2010 as well as 1999 (keepin’ it real!) were there; surrounded by their mothers. While I didn’t get too far with any Ms. Oxaca (I blame their mother’s presence), I did do well with the alcohol and woke up with a nasty hangover the next day.
Meeting winners of Ms. Merida Idol Competition in Merida, Mexico:
Slouching in my seat in a large auditorium; I was enjoying the beautiful voices of the women of the Mexican Idol Competition in Merida, Mexico. They were some stunners and I saw another opportunity to “practice Spanish” at the end of the competition. As I walked to the stage practicing my ‘dangerous sexy look’ I was confronted with security. They had just turned down an eager fan trying to do the same thing I was attempting. But with one flash of the Magic Press Pass, I was in like Flynn, and soon asking questions of the competition winners. One of the questions I asked her was for her phone number. She turned me down saying, “No pero puedemos estar amigos”. (No but we can be friends). Ladies: on behalf of all men, please never say this to a guy hitting on you.
Seeing the sites, for FREE:
I was getting tired of extranjero pricing (foreigner pricing) at all their ruins sites. Those crafty Mexicans know that you’re a foreigner by looking at you, and that once you arrive at a ruins site; you’re not going to suddenly decide not go because the price isn’t right. Flash the pass, and I was into Edna, a beautiful ruins site outside of Campeche in the Yucatan. Saved me 150 MXN, or about $10 bucks. I likely could have gotten into all of the most famous ruins sites such as Chitiniza, Palenque, etc for FREE.
Getting in ‘Da Club(s) For FREE:
Roads south eventually lead to Panama City, Panama. I got with one night to spare and decided to hit up Calle Uruguay where all the magic happens. Being the cheap ass bastard that I am, I didn’t feel like paying the $10-20 cover that all the clubs wanted. No problem, flash my Magic Press Pass and the bouncer at Mystik smiled, and waved me through while gringo dudes shelled out $20.
Later, after exhausting the women I found attractive by approaching them with my awful Spanish skills, I decided to change venues. I met a couple of broke ass British backpacker dudes outside who offered me bottom shelf whiskey. I partook, and then proposed that we check out another club. They actually had tried to get into Mystik before, but had balked at the price tag.
We checked out Urbano Bar; another $15 cover charge per dude was requested (ladies you lucky ducks). I flashed the pass, and said the magic words. The bouncer told me to wait as he was calling his manager for confirmation. Good news: we could all come in. Bad news: my friends didn’t “suit up” for the occasion and were wearing t-shirts and sneakers. They were rejected by the dress code — did they have something else to wear? They walked from the hostel, so that was a big fat no. I had worn slightly better clothing so I was able to enjoy Urbano.
Everything is free in Colombia — almost
Here in Colombia, I’ve been travelling around since March 10th, 2012 (about 4 months so far). I’ve gotten into a salsa club in Cartagena (20,000 Colombian Pesos ~ $10), the Salt Cathedral outside of Bogota (20,000 COP ~ $10), Vibra Mi Tierra Music Festival (25,000 COP/day * 2 days = $25) and every club I’ve tried so far in Medllín, Colombia (20,000 X Many ~ $$$$) — all have been free.
So those are just a few stories… I could go on and on. But I hope by now, you’ll agree that the Magic Press Pass has the following benefits:
- Saving you money by getting you in free
- Access to events you would not normally have access to
- Upgrading your accomodation
- Getting you out of sticky situations
I’ve already touched on benefits #1-2…. but I’d like to talk briefly about benefits #3 and #4.
Benefit #3: Reducing the money you pay if you don’t get in free:
I have not personally verified this (as I stay at cheap hostels), but the next time you’re checking into a hotel, try flashing the pass and saying the magic words, “Excuse me, tonight is a very special night for me(us)”. I bet you get upgraded. It worked for me on a boat trip up the Chilean fjords in Patagonia. Write me an email with with your experiences.
Benefit #4: Getting you out of sticky situations… especially abroad.
Laws are different outside your home country. When a police officer stops you, they haveall the power. It’s even worse if you’re not fluent in their language. If they try to shake you down with a bullshit charge, you now have power. Instead of forking up the bribe money they want to steal from you… try flashing our Magic Press Pass. Tell them you’re a journalist doing reports from their country and you’d be happy to help them but first could they help you with their full name and badge number so you can include them in the story. I have not personally tested this, but I’ve read from motorcycle blogs that his method works.
How will you use your press pass?
- Extend the amount of time you can travel by saving on entertainment expenses
- Getting into exclusive events that you wouldn’t get access
- Go to things you wouldn’t go to if you had to pay for
- Get yourself upgraded at the hotel at your next check-in
- Get yourself out of a sticky situation with the local cops
- Another creative use that I haven’t even thought of!
Make the decision to save thousands over your lifetime.
It’s time to make the decision. Will you forever be a chump and pay full freight? Or will you decide to join the ranks of the new VIP — card carrying members of the press.
Here’s all you need to do:
- Click “Add To Cart”
- Click “Proceed To Checkout”
- Enter Your Payment/Shipping Details (PLEASE ENSURE YOUR FULL NAME IS AS YOU’D LIKE IT TO APPEAR ON THE CARD). And PLEASE do give us a valid email address, it’s how we will be doing all of our communication with you.
- Click Charge
- We’ll be in touch with you over email to get your photo and set up your Press Pass Extras
- Sit back and wait for your Magic Press To Arrive
- Enjoy your lifetime of savings!
PS: Don’t take another trip without the Magic Press Pass in your pocket.
PPS: I’m not only the founder, but I’m also a proud user of the Magic Press Pass.
PPPS (is this even a thing)? I’d love to hear how Magic Press Pass is working out for you. Drop me a line! And let me know if we can feature your comment on our website!